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Shelby Lisk


Shelby Lisk nia’té:kon tsi naho’ténshon yeweyen:te, yeráhstha ne tahontierón:nion, ronwatiya’táhrha ó:ni, Kenhtè:ke (Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory) nitiakawé:non, tsi nahò:ten yakoyo’te ne wathró:ris tsi nón:we nieien:tha ne ohontsà:ke tsi Kanyen’kehá:ka yakón:kwe naeya’tó:ten. Ya’teyakao’ktá:on ne Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (skátne ne minor ne Gender Studies) Ottawa University nón:we (2015) yakohyatónhserá:yen ni’ ó:ni ne Photojournalism, Loyalist College (2019) yeyakoteweyénston, yakohyatonhserá:yen óni tsi yakoteweyénston ne Kanyenkéha owén:na tánon tsi niyonkwarihó:ten Queen’s University tánon Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na (2020).

Shelby Lisk is a Kanyen’kehá:ka photographer, filmmaker, and journalist with roots in Kenhtè:ke (Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, in Ontario). As a storyteller, Shelby has worked with visuals (film, photography, and art), the written word (creative writing and reporting), and audio (podcasting) while mentoring students in communications and journalism and advocating for the ethical representation of Indigenous stories that incorporate care for our communities. Shelby has a degree in Visual Arts and Gender Studies from the University of Ottawa, as well as a diploma in Photojournalism from Loyalist College and a certificate in Mohawk Language and Culture from Queen's University and Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na.

Shelby Lisk: TeamMember
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